The Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation (UCCLF) on Saturday officially unveiled Canada’s latest educational and commemorative plaque marking a darker chapter in Canadian history – the internment operations during and after the First World War which ensnared 8,000 Ukrainians and others in a network of 24 camps, and forced a further 80,000 to check in semi-regularly with the police.
Dozens of people from the GTA attended the unveiling of the plaque, which was affixed to the Bloor Street-facing exterior wall of the Ukrainian Credit Union, located at the heart of the annual Bloor Street West Toronto Ukrainian Festival. The UCCLF was thankful for the support of the Ukrainian Credit Union as well as the Ukrainian National Federation.
Guest speakers included Ihor Bardyn of the Ukrainian National Federation, Taras Pidzamecky of the Ukrainian Credit Union, Maxim Bozhilov of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund, Jurij Klufas, representing of Bloor West Village Business Improvement Area, as well as Arif Virani, Member of Parliament for Parkdale – High Park.
The UCCLF worked collaboratively and with the support of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund, the local Ukrainian community, Ukrainian Credit Union Ltd., The Ukrainian National Federation and others. The UCCLF thanks them all for their support.