Doc looks at dark history
October 20, 2016
Darren Handschuh,
A long way to go: Healing requires admission of Saskatchewan’s racist past, present
October 8, 2016
Jason Warick, Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Opinion: First World War “enemy alien” measures reminder of how not to treat our neighbours
Mark Minenko, Edmonton Journal, 23 September 2016
Mark Minenko is Edmonton lawyer currently researching the War Measures Act and the administration of justice in Canada during the First World War.
Monashee Mountain Camp Internees Remembered
July 2016
The Cherryvillan
Plaque pays honour to internees
July 13, 2016
Vernon Morning Star
Calgary teacher explores dark period in Canada’s past with debut novel, Kalyna
June 25, 2016
By Eric Volmers, Calgary Herald
No request for apology
Re: “Cult of apologies raises issues,” June 4.
Canada’s Ukrainian community never requested an apology from Ottawa for what other Europeans and Ukrainians endured during this country’s first national internment operations of 1914 to 1920. Instead, our efforts reflected the wishes of one of the last known survivors, Mary Manko Haskett. She was a Montreal-born child whose family was transported into the Abitibi wilderness where they found themselves behind Canadian barbed wire at the Spirit Lake internment camp. Her sister, Nellie, perished there. Even so, Mary wanted our redress campaign to be “about memory, not money.” It took nearly a quarter of a century of work before the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund was established, in 2008. It provides grants for educational and commemorative initiatives focused on the need for remaining vigilant in defence of civil liberties and human rights in times of domestic and international crisis. Membership on the Endowment Council administering this fund has always been inclusive of the many communities harmed by these internment operations and related state-sanctioned censures.
As for exposing what really happened to Ukrainians and other “enemy aliens” in Canada during the Great War, that is not an attempt at rewriting history but rather an exercise in illuminating it.
Lubomyr Luciuk,
Member, Endowment Council, Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund
Ryan Boyko’s, “The Camps” series in the news in Ukraine!
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Spirit Lake: the federal cemetery that Ottawa forgot
Monday, March 14, 2016
Group Demands Restoration of Former Internment Camp Cemetery
February 19, 2016
Written by New Canadian Media
Campaign revived to designate Quebec wartime cemetery a historic site
February 19, 2016
By Alan Hustak, Catholic Register Special
Tribute to Spirit Lake Internment Captured in Musical Compositions
February 9, 2016
New Pathway